Page 5 - JAMVAC Newsletter - MAR 2022
P. 5

Did you know that the Giant Swallowtail, the largest
                        butterfly in the New World is to be found in Jamaica and is

                               endemic to the Blue and John Crow Mountains?


                            The Blue and John Crow Mountains

             National Park, Holywell

               TAKE THE LESS TRAVELLED          Holywell offers a unique opportu-
               PATH FROM THE PORT TO            nity to take a day trip that feels like
               THE MAJESTIC MOUNTAINS           discovering a portal to a nature
               TO DISCOVER THE LUSH AND         lover’s paradise 3,000 feet above
               TRANQUIL HAVEN THAT IS           sea level featuring panoramic
               HOLYWELL PARK.                   views of the the city of Kingston
                                                and the Kingston Harbour - the

               Explore the park’s protected     seventh-largest natural harbour
               area covering over 193,000       in the world; Port Royal and it’s
               acres or close to 5 percent      fascinating historical buildings;
               of Jamaica’s total land mass     and the Caribbean Sea. Scope out
               with a range of birds, flora and   comfy cabins designed to host    Coffee Company for local indul-
               fauna. Here, the possibilities   the perfect weekend getaway        gence and valuable export. Just
               to explore and unplug from       or anytime retreat with all the    before arriving at your final desti-
               the chaos of the world are       modern conveniences of WiFi,       nation in Holywell, stop by the
               endless.                         kitchenette, and bathrooms with    New Castle Camp parade ground
                                                hot water.                         of the Jamaica Defence Force for
                                                                                   even more unobstructed views of
                                                The special treat of Holywell starts   Kingston in all its glory.
                                                with the journey there. On the
                                                route up be sure to see Craighton   Holywell is a definite must-visit
                                                Estate built by Scottish coffee    on your trip to Jamaica. Escape
                                                planter, George Craighton in the   the hustle and bustle of a
                                                1800s. There you’ll find premium   busy city and experience an
                                                Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee      eco-friendly paradise designed
                                                now produced by the Ueshima        by nature, just for you!

                                               BE IN THE KNO W  .  E X P ERIENCE OUR C UL T URE                   5
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