Page 3 - JAMVAC Newsletter - MAR 2022
P. 3

Profiling    Excellence

                           Women’s History Month Feature

                                                                  For “Miss Rob”, as she is affectionately called,
                                                                  Women’s History Month is a time to celebrate and
                                                                  reflect on the role of women in daily life, business,
                                                                  and nation building and as Jamaica prepares to
                                                                  celebrate 60 years of independence, she is proud
                                                                  of what women in tourism and hospitality have
                                                                  accomplished collectively.

                                                                  “Tourism has so many sectors, and every role is
                                                                  important. What is undeniable, is the role that
                                                                  Jamaican women have played in developing the world
                                                                  class product we have today. From housekeepers
                                                                  to heads of organizations, we have been there
                                                                  building behind the scenes and sometimes in the
                                                                  spotlight”, she said. In visioning the future, Mrs Roberts
                                                                  would like to see more meaningful representation
                                                                  and equality at the most senior levels across the
                                                                  industry; she believes that women are not lacking
                                                                  in the qualifications, skills, and capacity to lead at
                                                                  the highest levels, the lack is in the opportunities
                            “Strength and                         provided.
                                                                  In commenting on her recognition as one of 20
                              authenticity                        women in 8 countries awarded by the Royalton

                             are the foundation                   (Blue Diamond) group for excellence in service to
                                                                  the tourism and hospitality industry, Mrs Roberts
                               of  achievement                    shared that, “no matter my role, I’ve always had a
                                and respect.”                     deep passion and desire to serve with excellence
                                                                  and satisfy the needs of my team and our clients.
                            -  Mrs Joy Roberts, Executive         I understand very well that there is no industry
                           Director of Jamaica Vacations          without people; relationships matter and referrals
                            Limited and Royalton (Blue            keep our industry growing. It is my honour to
                              Diamond) 2022 Awardee               turn up everyday and help my team to connect

                                                                  the dots.”
                                                                  She remains excited about
                                                                  the future despite the
                            rs  Joy  Roberts  is  the  current    current challenges and
                            Executive Director of Jamaica         is inspired to continue
                            Vacations Limited (JamVac), and       leading with distinction
               Mhas served Jamaica, and the                       supported by  her JamVac
               Caribbean region, in various capacities spanning   team where women are
               the areas of investment, real estate, tourism      well represented and
               and hospitality. Her work ethic is legendary and   equally rewarded for doing
               something she tries to pass on by example and      great work.
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