Page 7 - JAMVAC Newsletter - APR-JUN 2022 V.1.0
P. 7


                                    Port Antonio


                  Port Antonio’s

               beauty can be found
               beauty                           PORT  ANTONIO IS THE
                between the drops               CAPITAL OF PORTLAND,

                 of afternoon rain              THE PARISH MOST KNOWN
                                                FOR ITS  BREATHTAKING
                 keeping the lush               LANDSCAPE, HEAVENLY
                     hills green,               SEASIDE VILLAS, AND LIVELY

                the smiles of quiet             FORESTS.
                   locals making                A laidback option to the                       1

                their way through               tourist hotspots in the West
                 the town or doing              of the island, Port Antonio
                 daily chores, and              has something for everyone               SWIM AT
                                                to enjoy.
                 the unforgettable                                                  WINNIFRED BEACH
                 selection of food                                               Located 9 miles east of the town
                  and drinks that               Here are our top 3 things to     of Port Antonio, Winnifred Beach

                  taste of  joy and
                  taste of  joy and             see and do on a day trip to      is one of the best-kept public
                        magic.                  Port Antonio, Jamaica.           beaches in Jamaica, nestled
                                                                                 between the world-famous Blue
                                                                                 Lagoon and surfer’s paradise,
                                                                                 Boston Beach, this trip is well
                                                                                 worth it.

                                               BE IN THE KNO W  .  E X P ERIENCE OUR C UL T URE                   7
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