Page 5 - JAMVAC Newsletter - APR-JUN 2022 V.1.0
P. 5

Event Spotlight


                                   Blue Mountain

                   Coffee     Festival


                 T HE   J AM A I C A   B L U E
                 MADE A GRAND RETURN
                  THIS YEAR ON THE HISTORIC
                  LAWNS OF DEVON HOUSE
                  IN KINGSTON, JAMAICA. Its
                  traditional home in the hills
                  of the Blue Mountains on the
                  landmark Newcastle square
                  was missed but the event
                   did not compromise on the
                   usual quality, culture, crafts,
                   and most importantly, world-
                           class coffee.

                   The Tourism Linkages Network
                   and other key stakeholders did
                    a masterful job in preparing
                    the perfect blend of events
                    and experiences connected by
                    Jamaican culture and coffee.

                                               BE IN THE KNO W  .  E X P ERIENCE OUR C UL T URE                   5
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