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                                               Devon   House

               WELCOME TO KINGSTON,             Beyond its stunning Victorian
               CAPITAL CITY OF JAMAICA,         architecture, Devon House is a
               THE CARIBBEAN’S CULTURAL         must-visit gastronomy centre
               EPICENTER AND HOME TO            and home to one of National
               THE ICONIC ATTRACTION,           Geographic’s 10 best ice creams
               DEVON HOUSE.                     in the world. Enjoy unforgetta-
                                                ble and unique flavours such as
               Officially opened in January     Coffee, Devon Stout and Guava
               1968, six years after Jamaica’s   along with the traditional tastes
               Independence, Devon House        you know and love.
               was declared a national
               monument in 1990 and was         Whether a quick stop or a day trip,
               originally built by Jamaica’s    Devon House is the perfect mix
               first Black millionaire, George   of history and experiences with
               Stiebel in 1881. Some famous     over 20 shops offering a range of
               visitors include Her Majesty     authentic Jamaican cuisine, souve-
               Queen Elizabeth II (1983) and    nirs and signature spa services. We
               His Royal Highness Prince        definitely recommend including
               Harry of Wales in 2012.          a tour of the mansion in any visit.
                                                Go ahead and add Devon House
                                                to your list of places to visit!

                                                For more information visit

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