Page 2 - JAMVAC Newsletter3
P. 2

Message from the



                                                             prepare for the future. One such project is a major
                                                             virtual training programme that directly impacted
                                                             some 10,000 tourism workers, trained in areas such
                                                             as sanitation and safety, foreign language (Spanish)
                                                             and hospitality management.

         Positively Prepared for the                         The current crisis has provided us with an oppor-
                                                             tunity to raise the standard of Jamaica’s tourism
                                                             product to even higher levels in preparation for the
                 Future of Cruising                          resumption of cruising. Passengers mean more
                                                             than profit to us; each visitor offers an opportunity
        J                                                    for cultural exchange, community tourism and

                                                             sustainable livelihoods, as well as unforgettable
               amaica continues to position cruise tourism
               as a vital link in the tourism value chain and
               as an integral part of our national growth
               recovery strategy. After successfully weath-
        ering the storms of a challenging year, we have               ...raise the standard of
        seen an extraordinary level of resilience among our
        partners and stakeholders locally, in the Caribbean        Jamaica’s tourism product
        region and across the world. This has been a ray of           to even higher levels...
        hope and a catalyst for creativity and innovation,
        powering the new way of thinking needed to push
        us beyond the problems of today into the possibil-   Jamaica is ready and prepared to safely welcome
        ities of the future.
                                                             visitors from across the world to our shores when
        The Caribbean has not lost its magic and maintains   the time is right. We remain committed to the high
        the record of being among the most lucrative cruise   standards and excellence that have become our
        destinations in the world. This period of pause has   hallmark over the years and continue to work with
        allowed us to conceptualise and implement world-     our cruise partners. Stay safe and see you soon!
        class health and safety protocols and to partner
        with local attractions, tour operators, hospitality
        professionals and hotel owners to strengthen our  Hon. Edmund Bartlett, CD, MP
        unique offerings and service standards. Jamaica has
        used the negative impact of COVID19 to positively

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