Page 3 - Newsletter Issue 7
P. 3

Message from the


             Welcome to the                                       In this issue, we are pleased to share information on

             first issue of our                                   our Regal Rewards programme for travel advisors!
                                                                  Congratulations to the 2022 winners: Troy Colbert,
                                                                  Darcy Solis, Marjorie Correa, Donna May, and
             Jamaica Cruising                                     Jovoanda Reed. We encourage our travel planners
                                                                  and partners to check out what we have in store
             newsletter for 2023!                                 for this year. We’ve also featured the exciting visit
                                                                  of the world’s largest cruise ship to Jamaica,
                                                                  the Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee Festival - a
                                                                  must-attend event - and shared our top 5 picks
                                                                  for eco-friendly attractions.

                              e are delighted to have you join us   Do enjoy these interesting features and make use
                              for another year as we explore the   of the helpful resources we’ve shared to help make
                              wonderful world of cruise tourism   your cruise planning process easier. Thank you for
              W in Jamaica. Our mission at JamVac                 sharing, liking, and connecting with us online! We
             is to provide you with the best possible experience   look forward to your feedback as we continue to
             from ship to shore when it comes to planning and     serve you.
             enjoying your cruise vacation.
                                                                  Happy reading,
             Since our first issue, we have strived to provide you
             with exciting content, the latest news, and useful  Mrs. Joy Roberts

             information about the cruise industry in Jamaica.    Jamaica Vacations Limited (JAMVAC)
             This year, we’ll continue to be your preferred source
             for Jamaica cruise news, attractions updates, and
             exclusive events information. Our goal is to make
             Jamaica Cruising your preferred source for tips and
             advice on how to make Jamaica stand out as the
             ultimate cruise destination.

                                              BE IN THE KNO W .  E X P ERIENCE OUR C UL T URE                     5
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