Page 15 - JAMVAC Newsletter -SPECIAL EDITION N6
P. 15


                                                                            An island Christmas offers an opportunity
                                                                            to experience traditions that are unique
                                                                            to this part of the world. Imagine stroll-
                                                                            ing through a ‘Grand Market’ buzzing
                                                                            with good vibes, eating delicious Jamai-
                                                                            can food while dancing to the sound of
                                                                            sweet reggae music in the background,
                                                                            and shopping for handmade gifts. You
                                                                            might even be lucky to get a glimpse of
                                                                            Jonkanoo performers in their colourful
                                                                            garb, telling a story with every move
                                                                            and mask.
                  Image credit: Jonkanoo characters Photo by WikiPedant at
                  Wikimedia Commons.

                     SUPER SORREL

                    This popular Christmas drink, brewed
                    from the petals of the sorrel plant, is a
                    Jamaican festive staple packed with health
                    benefits. Though sorrel has become popular
                    around the world, there’s no better place
                    to get it than here in Jamaica. According
                    to the Scientific Research Council (SRC),
                    sorrel is filled with essential vitamins and
                    minerals, but the real ‘power’ comes from
                    the Flavonoids - the compound that gives
                    it its intense red colour - which makes it a
                    powerful antioxidant. Be sure to sip nature’s
                    liquid immune system booster and benefit
                    from improved circulation among other
                    things. Cheers to super sorrel!

                                               BE IN THE KNO W  .  E X P ERIENCE OUR C UL T URE                  15
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